Matte does not mean flat

There are only a few times in life where a blonde will envy a brunette. This temptation for blondes to even think about going dark is created by the depth and sheen that brunette’s have, which speaks to healthy-looking hair. 

However, the structural “expense” to the hair of going blonde – or from getting back to blonde after having gone dark – leads most blondes to hit the brakes on actually going through with a darker venture. 

Although blonde hair is very shiny, because warmth reflects light forward and the very definition of shine is to give out a bright light, shine will never be the same as sheen. In the general public, the perception of these two descriptive words has become interchangeable, however, sheen is the true indicator of un-damaged, laminated hair (the cuticle). 

Depicted as a sheen band of white in animation characters, sheen is, in fact, colorless. The chromatic properties of warm tones do their part to complete the vision by reflecting shine lines above and below the sheen band reflecting out light with a metallic sparkle. 

For clients who no longer have smooth cuticles - or are completely missing cuticle, getting their hair back to looking healthy might just make it worth going darker… 

Well, I have great news in our new Matte series from Oligo Professionnel! With a range of green bases from levels 4 to 8, we can now focus specifically on controlling undesired red to red-orange tones. 

Now, the connotation of oxidized and over-processed that comes with brassy warmth can be controlled, revealing healthier adjectives such as depth and richness – even at levels 7 and 8 - without the need to commit to a heavier dye-load. And let’s not forget sheen, which is provided by the loads of luster in this series. 

So that, my friends, is why Matte does not mean flat!